Honorees at the the Upper Perkiomen Valley Chamber of Commerce breakfast were, left to right, Ruth Heil, Kevin Crilley, Karyn Keyser, Craig Keyser, Jeff Stauffer, Frank Falk, Karen Schultz and Executive Director of the Chamber, Luanne Stauffer.
The Upper Perkiomen Valley Chamber of Commerce Community and Commerce breakfast was held at The Perkiomen School, Parents Hall on June 20. The event included community leaders, business people and municipal representatives that came together to celebrate those who go above and beyond to make a difference in our community.
This year’s honorees included Kevin Crilley of Montgomery County Parks, Trails, & Historic Sites, who received the President’s Award for Education; Craig and Karyn Keyser of The Valley Café, who received the Outstanding Small Business Award; and Jeff Stauffer of Stauffer Glove & Safety, who received the Wallace H. Bieler Distinguished Leadership Award. Stauffer asked for community support as the Upper Perkiomen Senior Center and The Open Line collaborate to become The Open Link in July. Also, Karen Schultz received The Distinguished Service Award for her volunteer work at the UPV Chamber.
The Keysers and Crilley were nominated for their respective awards by Ruth Heil. Stauffer was nominated by Frank Falk.
Representatives from event sponsors QNB, Univest, Walmart, Wells Fargo and Freedom Valley YMCA at Upper Perkiomen Valley shared information about their businesses and thanked the award recipients for their service.