Thursday, February 06, 2025


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  • Local Bowling League Results
  • Tribe Girls Split Two Matches
  • Indians End Season with Loss
  • Tribe Swimmers Swept by Phoenixville
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Deadline Approaching for PA Contractors to Renew Registration with Attorney General’s Office

         In order to comply with the Home Improvement Contractor Protection Act (HICPA), effective since July 1, 2009, Pennsylvania contractors are required to renew their registration by July 1, in order to legally continue performing home improvement services.

        In 2008, the PA legislature passed the Home Improvement Contractor Protection Act, requiring any contractor performing $5,000 or more in home improvements in a calendar year, to register with the Office of Attorney General, and furthermore, continue to re-register every two years. There is a $50 fee required every two years, and contractors may continue using their existing registration number. New certificates will be mailed upon re-registration.

        Simple re-registration can be done online. Paper registration forms can be mailed to Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General, Bureau of Consumer Protection, ATTN: Home Improvement Contractor Registration, 15th Floor, Strawberry Square, Harrisburg, PA, 17120. Forms are available online or by calling 717-772-2425.

        PBA and its 38 local builder associations worked closely with the legislature in 2007-2008 to draft the law, which provides consumer protection against home improvement fraud without overly burdening small business owners.

        “The law contains provisions about home improvement contracts, insurance coverage, advertising and other components,” stated PBA President Larry Eberly. “Contractors who wish to ensure they aren’t violating the law should contact their local builders association. We provide our members with the tools they need – like sample contracts – to successfully comply with this law.”

        Any person who owns and operates a home improvement business or performs home improvements and their total cash value of home improvements in the previous taxable year is $5,000 and more.  Failure to comply with HICPA can lead to civil and criminal penalties; and, may result in your contract being voidable and unenforceable.

        Pennsylvania Builders Association is a nonprofit professional trade organization representing 6,000 member-companies from across the commonwealth.

        PBA members and their employees include builders, remodelers, material suppliers, subcontractors, consultants, lending institutions, utilities and others involved in the housing industry. PBA serves its membership by providing proactive leadership on state regulatory and legislative issues and by offering products and services to its 38 local associations and chapters that enhance the effectiveness and professionalism of its members.

        PBA serves Pennsylvania communities and consumers through its steadfast efforts to protect homeownership rights and advocate for affordable housing options. PBA is affiliated with the National Association of Home Builders.






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