A ribbon-cutting was held last Thursday to celebrate the opening of the Upper Bucks Chamber of Commerce's new headquarter on North Main Street in Quakertown.
Its official, Quakertown borough is now prepared to help visitors with questions and opportunities throughout the community with the grand re-opening of the Upper Bucks Chamber of Commerce (UBCC) and Visitor Center.
On April 25 the UBCC cut the ceremonial ribbon in front of over 100 guests at its new location at 21 North Main Street to honor the joint efforts made in bringing the chamber and Quakertown Historical Society together.
The UBCC was previously located at Route 663 and Portzer Road in Milford but longed for a more central location in the borough. In October 2012, the move was made to share space with the historical society and provide better use of their building by remodeling and reorganizing artifacts for display.
Tara King, executive director of the UBCC, explained, “This experience has been a great collaborative effort. We have been able to help the historical society fulfill its mission.”
King described the building on North Main Street as having a barn-like appearance with a large open floor plan. She went on to say the UBCC and Quakertown borough were able to help the historical society meet the full potential of their surroundings by better organizing the floor plan and replacing old garage doors with glass display windows.
The location now offers second floor meeting rooms and is in the process of providing walking displays on the main floor of a collection of Quakertown’s historic artifacts.
When asked what the UBCC offers to visitors, King said, “We have a passionate staff that are proud to work and live in Upper Bucks.”
The UBCC staff can provide visitors with information pertaining to places to see, where to shop and eat, and general information on the Upper Bucks area. New and already established businesses within the borough also have the chance to benefit from the UBCC’s ability to advertise, provide guidance, and opportunities to meet other business owners in the area with special events throughout the year.
The UBCC staff is encouraging the community to attend the Arts Alive event on Saturday, May 18 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. A trolley will be shuttling people from the event’s location on Broad Street to the UBCC building for tours as well as the historic Burgess Foulke house across the street and neighboring Liberty Hall building.
The staff of both organizations hope the event will show off the joint effort made to provide the community with a place to visit and extend their knowledge of the surrounding area. King added that although the renovations to the building are not quite complete at this time, “It has been a great experience personally to walk through the building and see the changes thus far.”