Grand View Hospital Receives Distinguished Hospital Award for Clinical Excellence 2013
Grand View Hospital is proud to announce that it has received the Distinguished Hospital Award for Clinical Excellence 2013 from Healthgrades. Earlier, it received the Outstanding Patient Experience Award™, 2012.
Distinguished Hospitals for Clinical Excellence perform in the top five percent nationally for overall clinical excellence. Grand View CEO Jean Keeler said, “Receiving recognition in both Clinical Excellence and Outstanding Patient Experience is a real achievement. This not only recognizes our high level of clinical performance across multiple departments and specialties, but also recognizes our caring and compassionate team.” Keeler added, “We are especially proud. This is yet more evidence that Grand View strives to provide the best, highest quality care for all our patients.”
According to recently released ratings by Healthgrades, America’s leading provider of comprehensive information about hospitals and physicians, only 45 hospitals in America less than one percent of all hospitals received the 2013 Distinguished Hospital Award and the 2012 Outstanding Patient Experience Award. In Pennsylvania, Grand View is the only hospital to receive this double distinction.
While many hospitals have specific areas of expertise, the Healthgrades Distinguished Hospitals for Clinical Excellence (262 out of nearly 4,500 nationwide), deliver comprehensive high-quality care across a broad spectrum of conditions and procedures. Patients have a lower chance of dying or experiencing a complication at these hospitals compared to all others. Nationally, if all hospitals performed at the level of Distinguished Hospitals for Clinical Excellence from 2009 through 2011, a total of 164,414 deaths could have potentially been prevented.
To be considered for Healthgrades’ Distinguished Hospital Award for Clinical Excellence, a hospital had to have been evaluated in a minimum of 19 of the 27 procedures and condition cohorts measured, consisting of Medicare inpatient records data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Medicare Provider Analysis and Review (MedPAR) database.
The "American Hospital Quality Outcomes 2013": Healthgrades Report to the Nation highlights that significant variation in outcomes could exist within a region when looking at risk adjusted mortality and complication rates. For example, in the Philadelphia metro area out of the 34 hospitals that were evaluated for treatment of sepsis, there was wide variation in hospital performance as measured by risk adjusted mortality rates (from 10.8 percent on the low end to 30.4 percent on the high end). Grand View is among the hospitals with the lowest risk-adjusted mortality rates providing patients in the Philadelphia metro area with some of the best possible quality care.
“Our analysis, unlike other hospital quality ratings or grades, is based solely on clinical outcomes data. We do not include any opinion surveys of doctors or patients, or any other subjective measures because they can lack in objectivity,” said Evan Marks, EVP Informatics and Strategy. “Healthgrades has the only website that provides the ability to link selection of a doctor to the hospital where they practice, giving the consumer the power to differentiate the likelihood of a better health outcome on the basis of the hospitals objective quality measures, such as mortality, complications, safety and patient satisfaction.”