Saturday, January 18, 2025


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for these stories:

  • Local Bowling League Results
  • Tribe Swimming Loses to Spring-Ford
  • Panthers Sweep Home EPL Session
  • Tribe Boys Lose Twice
  • Indians Show Signs of Improvement
  • Redder Earns Academic All-District Honors
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Keep it Local
Written by Larry Roeder, Editor

        Experiencing the 2,000 or so visitors having fun and socializing at the Green Lane Fire Company’s BBQ competition last weekend serves as a reminder of the kind of events available in our local communities.

        Most of the events in our hometowns are staffed by volunteers, free to attend and provide low-cost opportunities to enjoy sights, sounds and tastes that rival those available after expending a half-tank of gas to get there.
        In less than two weeks, Memorial Day parades are planned for the Upper Perkiomen Valley and Quakertown areas as well as the Country Fair Days and parade in Lower Salford. Make it a point to take a little time from your holiday picnic or yard work to attend these fine events. Veterans march alongside active service members. Grab Old Glory and take a few minutes to line the parade routes and let them know that you appreciate the sacrifices they made and continue to make.
        Local churches and other groups offer dinners, picnics and a host of events to raise funds. Take advantage of the opportunity to have a fine ham or roast beef dinner or a freshly baked goody at a cost that will please you and help a local group at the same time.  
        Outdoor movie events for the family are offered at Trumbauersville’s Christ Lutheran Church throughout the month of June. Strawberry or peach and ice cream festivals are just around the corner at several area churches.
        Volunteer fire companies and churches offer chicken BBQs throughout the summer. The Red Hill Band has some 20 concerts scheduled throughout the summer. The 78th Army Band will be performing a free concert in Green Lane Park on May 27. Their previous performance was hailed by many.  
        We’re just getting to the beginning of the carnival season. Watch for your local church or fire company’s annual event and make it a point to attend, have some fun and support these groups.
        You don’t have to spend a half-hour to go to a fine restaurant. There are plenty of quality, top-shelf dining establishments in our readership area. Visit them and let them know where you’re from. They’ll appreciate knowing that local people support them.
When you shop, do so locally whenever possible. Support the local people who work there by buying at their place of employment.
        And don’t forget the local historical societies and museums. We have several quality venues in our area sporting special exhibits throughout the summer.
        There are so many other non-profit events coming up that they are too numerous to mention here. Check our Community Calendar regularly throughout the summer. We post these events free of charge for not-for-profit organizations.
Plan to make a special effort to “keep it local” and you may be surprised how many of your friends and neighbors you’ll run into. Not only that, but it will give you the opportunity to make a few new friends. 
Take pride in your community and keep it local!






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