Even though the Town and Country’s official distribution day is Thursday, we have made it a habit of getting as many papers as we can on the street early Wednesday evening. Some of our loyal readers look forward to getting their papers early and we are happy to accommodate them whenever we can. Last week we missed our “early” distribution by a few hours.
This week you will see that the size of the page is a bit smaller than the Town and Country newspaper you are used to reading.
As we posted on the front page of last week’s and this week’s edition of the paper, due to an illness at our usual Quakertown printer, we have been working hard with other newspaper publishers to keep the Town and Country coming to you in a timely manner.
Last week the newspaper came to you from AFL Corp. in Voorhees, NJ. The people at AFL were fantastic and did quality work for a fair price. We were thankful that they took on the task and appreciate their efforts. The logistics and travel necessary to get the paper delivered was a little too long for us to be able to get the paper out on time for our early readers so this week we tried a little closer to home.
Some old friends at Philadelphia Newspapers, LLC (publishers of the Phila. Inquirer and Daily News) stepped up to print the newspaper this week. Their printing plant is located in West Conshohocken, about half the distance to Voorhees, and we’re hoping to get the Town and Country out early Wednesday evening again.
Both last week and this week the Town and Country staff was challenged with moving deadlines and adjustments made on-the-fly. They did a fine job from gathering and editing stories, to designing and laying out ads and distributing and mailing the newspapers late Wednesday night.
Many of them went above and beyond the call to make sure that we delivered the “Local News for Loyal Readers” as close to on-time as possible. Their extended efforts showed their loyalty to you – our readers and advertisers.
We wish our ailing friend at GEN2 Printing a quick recovery and hope to be back publishing in Quakertown soon.
While he heals, we thank our loyal readers for their understanding and patience – even if the early distribution is a little late.