Christmas 2011 is upon us and with it comes the wishes of peace on Earth and good will to all.
For many, this has been another tough economic year. More people are out of jobs, lost their homes or are barely getting by living from week-to-week. To them we wish for a fresh start in 2012 and the help to see them through until better times arrive. To the sick or ailing we wish for comfort and strength to see you through your illness. To those who think that their spirit has been broken we wish you the hopes and dreams of a better tomorrow.
This newspaper would like to take this opportunity to single out a few special groups for mention, and ask that our readers think about them as well while you celebrate with friends and family.
To all of the individuals and organizations who stepped forward during these troubled financial times to help make someone’s Christmas a little brighter – a genuine “Thank You” for your heartfelt efforts. The names and programs are many, as is the satisfaction and gratitude that comes from them. To those who chose to get involved, you are part of what makes a community special.
In the spirit of the season, television, radio and newspapers go out of their way to deluge us with wonderful accounts of people doing good things for others. It does provide a level of hope for the future. Too bad we can’t bottle that spirit and use it throughout the year.
There are many individuals and groups whose service won’t end just because it’s a holiday. Many of them will stand on the line, teetering between tranquility and trauma on Christmas Day.
We wish a safe and quiet holiday season for all members of the United States Armed Forces serving throughout the world, especially those serving in harm’s way.
We wish for a calm Christmas Eve and Day for the nurses and doctors who will staff our senior and health care facilities to ensure that care continues so others can celebrate the day.
For the police officers patrolling the streets on this holiday, we sincerely wish that the biggest problem they face on Christmas will be finding an open restaurant or convenience store where they can get something to eat or a good cup of coffee. May they also find a still moment to call their families to wish them a Merry Christmas and remind them that they’ll be home soon.
To the emergency medical services personnel who will be on duty waiting to respond to a call for help – we hope that for one 24-hour period, that call doesn’t come. But we still appreciate you being there – just in case.
To the volunteer firefighters, who stand ready to drop whatever they’re doing and respond to a call for help from wherever they’re at, we wish them a day to complete a meal with their families and enjoy the company of friends.
In closing, the staff at the Town and Country wishes everyone a warm and Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and our fondest hope for a safe holiday season for all.