Thursday, February 06, 2025


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An Investment in the Future
Written by Larry Roeder, Editor


        American children’s rights advocate Marian Wright Edelman once said “Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it.” The lofty goals in those sound words are becoming harder for many to accomplish. 
        When faced with the kinds of budget shortfalls and outright cuts that our present economic conditions have presented to school districts throughout the Commonwealth, creative people are challenged to come up with creative ideas and solutions to help fill the void and reach those goals.
        The dedicated local sport’s booster clubs have been doing this for years and have made countless contributions that have helped to keep programs up and running.
        Now, a group of people have banded together to create the Upper Perkiomen School District Education Foundation (UPEF). It is a local, non-profit, independent community-based organization created as a public 501(c)(3) charity to support education by enhancing and expanding opportunities for all students.
The foundation’s purpose is to encourage community-wide participation in support of education; secure resources for students and to support programs; encourage excellence among students; and to build a strong sense of community throughout the district. They will seek to fund innovative and creative programs for students and provide money for supplies, equipment, technology, speakers and cultural activities.
        It is important to note that the foundation operates independently from the Upper Perkiomen School Distict and that all contributions made to the foundation benefit the Upper Perkiomen School District body.
        People wishing to use the foundation for tax-deductible donations should contact the group’s treasurer, Stephanie Arnold at (215) 679-7961 (Ext. 2452). Contributions can be made directly to the UPEF at 2229 East Buck Road, Suite 2, Pennsburg, Pa. 18073.
        But the group isn’t satisfied with being an outlet to collect contributions. They plan to actively raise money for the UPEF through their own fundraising events.
        This Saturday, Nov. 26, from 7 – 10 p.m. they will be sponsoring their first annual event: an annual alumni and friends reception.
        The event will include beer tasting of samples from the Weyerbacher Brewery and wine tasting from a collection from Country Creek Winery. Light hors d’oerves will be served. There will also be 1940’s swing dancing with music provided by the jazz ensemble of the Red Hill Band; all of this and a chance to support a worthwhile effort for just $25 per person. Call (215) 541-2452 for tickets.
        The concept isn’t new. Over the years, many schools have invited their alumni, friends and soon-to-be friends to become part of the education process. It is an opportunity for former students to give back to the educational institution that helped form their lives, and a chance for new friends to show they care.
        Hopefully, Saturday’s event will see many Upper Perkiomen High School alumni stopping by to see old classmates and make new friends. It will be a chance to meet the members of UPEF and talk to them about objectives, initiatives, operation, future fundraising plans and much more.
        For additional information or to find out how to get involved, we urge you to call Stephanie of visit the UPEF website at        Remember, contributing to the education of our youth is an investment in the future.






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