Thursday, February 06, 2025


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Election Day Cometh – Prepare Now
Written by Larry Roeder, Editor


        Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 8, will be upon us in less than six weeks and there are several local and countywide races that seem to be heading for the mudslinging pits faster than a pig that needs to cool off.
        While the mud may cool off the pig, it rarely does anything but heat up the voters just before they cast their ballots.
        The Town and Country will once again publish candidate pros and cons, submitted by themselves or supporters, using a set of guidelines to try and steer the most zealous of the group away from the goop and into the direction of truth, facts and positive campaigning. 
        To make sure that paid advertisements can be accepted by our editorial board, just remember: It shall be the policy of the Town and Country newspaper to publish paid, display advertisements for any business, person, group, or organization for the purpose of marketing a product or service, announcing an event, promoting or opposing a candidate(s) or ballot question(s) for an upcoming primary or general election (beginning one month before the election date), or explicitly expressing condolences, gratitude, or congratulations for a recent or upcoming event (i.e. birthday, anniversary, illness, death).
     Opinions can be submitted for publication consideration on the Letters to the Editor page, provided they adhere to the applicable rules for submission to that section.
     All display advertising submitted must be in compliance with existing federal and state regulations, and the rules of the Pennsylvania Newspaper Association.  The editor of the Town and Country Newspaper reserves the right to withhold publishing of materials that are considered not in compliance with the publication’s policy.
        As far as letters to the editor regarding the upcoming Nov. 8 general election, they will be accepted from non-candidates up until 9 a.m. Oct. 25 for publication in the Oct. 27 edition. 
        Election-related letters to the editor from the candidates will be accepted up until 9 a.m. Nov. 1 for publication in the Nov. 3 edition. Remember, letters should be 250 words or less and all other letters to the editor rules, listed below this editorial, will apply.
        Once again the Town and Country newspaper is inviting candidates running in the general election on Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2011 to email, fax, or mail their information for publication in our Candidates Section on Nov. 3.
        In addition to a short biography that includes the candidate’s name, party affiliation and position being sought, the candidate should list any prior government-related, elected positions held.
        We encourage candidates to include educational, business or other credentials and experiences that help to identify their qualifications for the position.
        Most importantly, the candidate should include a brief statement outlining why he or she is seeking the position, and present a position statement on a timely subject that affects our state, county or community. Information submitted should be less than 350 words. Submissions greater than 350 words may be edited. A photo can also be included for publication.
        We are inviting those candidates running for office of a position representing constituents in our coverage area. That area is Berks, Bucks, Lehigh, and Montgomery Counties and includes the boroughs of Bally, East Greenville, Green Lane, Pennsburg, Red Hill, Quakertown and Trumbauersville and Hereford, Lower Salford, Marlborough, Milford, New Hanover, Upper Hanover, Upper Salford townships and Washington Townships.
         The deadline for submitting candidate information is 9 a.m. Friday, Oct. 28, 2011.






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