Washington Township Board of Supervisors on Thursday night announced they intend to contact the Berks County Board of Elections to place a referendum on the spring primary ballot scheduled for May 20th.
The referendum will ask if the voters of the municipality would agree to a one-mill tax increase that would benefit the emergency services who serve the township. Bally Ambulance and the all-volunteer Eastern Berks Fire Company are the primary emergency service providers in Washington Township.
The referendum cannot be longer than 75 words. It will require a simple "Yes" or "No" response. If the referendum is approved by the voters the fire company and the ambulance would each receive .5 mills of tax revenue. The millage increase would take effect in 2026 after a review by the board of supervisors.
At a previous township meeting the supervisors expressed their opinion that the voters should make the final decision on the tax increase.
The supervisors enacted several ordinances and agreed to a review of a proposed ordinance. The supervisors approved an amendment to its parking ordinance that restricts parking along the east side of Victoria Drive to Niantic Road up to the first residence. "No parking" signs will be posted shortly. Recently, parking along the road has made it difficult for motorists exiting the township park because the sight line is obscured by parked cars.
The supervisors agreed to the Pennsylvania Act 94 Compensation Ordinance for township supervisors. Newly elected or reelected supervisors will be compensated $3,145 per year. The new compensation ordinance will not affect current board members. The current supervisors' remuneration is capped at approximately $2,500 per year, no matter how many meetings a supervisor attends. A supervisor's compensation is based on the number of residents in a municipality.
The supervisors forwarded a copy of the township's proposed fire hydrant ordinance to the Eastern Berks Fire Company for review. When enacted the ordinance will require water companies, such as Aqua America, that provide water to communities in the township, to maintain their fire hydrants. The ordinance will require that the water companies ensure there is adequate water pressure in the hydrants. The ordinance will make certain that standards for fire hydrants are maintained.
At the request of a resident of Niantic Road the township wrote to PennDOT to request a reduction in the speed limit along the road. PennDOT replied that, after it performed speed and crash studies, there would be no reduction in the speed limit. PennDOT considers the speed along Niantic Road to be correct.
A conference is scheduled on March 4th between the township solicitor, Joan London, members of the board of supervisors, Washington Township Zoning Solicitor Mark Gomber and an attorney for Washington CSG1, LLC, Sean Gallagher. The purpose is to discuss Washington CSG1, LLC zoning appeal to the Berks County Court of Common Pleas. Several months ago, the township zoning hearing board denied a request by Washington CSG1, LLC to construct commercial solar panels on land located along Old Route 100.
The board of supervisors agreed to a waiver of land development requirements for Camp Camino.
The township approved $6,500 for the park and recreation board to proceed with a grant application for the township park that requires an engineering study. The park and recreation board is seeking donations to restore the War Memorial on Barto Road. It is also asking for volunteers to paint the cannons at the War Memorial.
An Easter Egg Hunt is planned for April 5. A spring plant sale is scheduled for May 3 and May 11. A Fall Festival is planned at the township park for October 11.
In other matters, the Washington Township Municipal Authority (WTMA, Water) held its reorganization meeting. Supervisor Romney Long was chosen as chairperson. Supervisor Tom Powanda was elected as vice chairman. The WTMA, Water is comprised of the township board of supervisors. The WTMA board will consider declaring the WTMA inactive at its next meeting in April.
Township Chairman Dave Moyer urged residents to contribute generously to the all-volunteer Eastern Berks Fire Company. Moyer noted contributions to the fire company are "sowing seed in good soil". Moyer thanked the township road crew for their efforts during the recent snowstorms. He said, "A small snowstorm costs as much as a 20-inch storm."
The next Washington Township Board of Supervisors meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 27, at 7 p.m. If a workshop is necessary it will be scheduled for Thursday, February 13, at 7 p.m.