The edges of Seisholtzville Road have become increasingly strewn with firewood and tree limbs, with leaning utility poles to boot, and the utility companies won't do anything about it.
Fallen trees resting dangerously on wires have become a common sight
of Seisholtzville Road in Hereford Township.
"Seisholtzville Road is a mess," Hereford Board of Supervisors Chair John Membrino stated at the board's meeting on Tuesday, January 21, via Zoom and in person.
The utility companies are placing responsibility on the township or property owners. Seisholtzville Road is a state road.
Membrino noted that the dilemma facing the township is that the maintenance crew will have to mow along the road in the summer.
Township Secretary/Treasurer Hannah Edwards said that she had been in contact with a representative from Senator Tracy Pennycuick's office, seeking aid for the clean-up, and will report back to the board.
Under new business, Supervisor Keith Masemore raised the topic of the new truck that is set to be budgeted for this year. He said that the price quoted in September 2024 will need to be rechecked to ensure it is are still valid.
Membrino said that engineer Jennifer Van Dyke should look into using the Local Shares Account (LSA) grant toward the truck, rather than tennis courts at Treichler Park, which can be covered by another grant.
Membrino also shared his opinion about recent purchases of large equipment. "We've invested an awful lot of money," he said. "Is there any way they can give us a little bit of a break?"
"I'm not convinced we need it at the moment," he added. "It's $300,000, it makes me very uncomfortable."
The supervisors approved the intermunicipal cooperative agreement for the purchase and storage of a paint truck.
Additionally, they approved the fishing rodeo to be held at Tollgate Park on May 17 and 18.
The township office will be closed on February 14.