Saturday, February 15, 2025


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Marlborough Budget Includes Tax Increase
Written by Ernie Quatrani, Correspondent

            At its monthly meeting last week, the Marlborough Board of Supervisors approved a tax increase in the 2025 budget. The 0.25 millage increase will bring the total tax rate in the township to 3.185 mills, including the emergency services tax of 0.185, implemented this year. The budget will be advertised and then voted on in December.

            Township Manager/Secretary/Treasurer Marybeth Cody said the increase will balance the budget and she anticipates a surplus of over $59,000 by the end of 2025. This year's carryover is around $689,000.

            "The days of the healthy balance carryover might be going away," Cody said.

            The increase marks the second consecutive year of a tax rise after 15 years of no increases. The 2024 budget benefited from a 0.5 millage increase.

            "In the past, I've always had that concern of the expenses exceeding the revenues," Cody said. "The township, in the beginning of this year, when we started different drafts, had a deficit."

            Cody cited several factors that have and will increase basic costs to the township including inflation, fuel costs, maintaining or replacing aging equipment, the police contract, and the rising rates of health insurance, workmen's compensation, and insurance costs.

            "We don't frivolously spend money," Cody said.

            In her budget "narrative" for the administrative report, Cody wrote, "Considering the well-needed additions to staff and projects that have been completed and the increased capital savings for future projects and equipment, it would be fair to say the township is doing well with the revenue."

            The vote to approve the budget was 2-1 with Supervisor Brian Doremus opposing the motion. "I'd like to ask you to reconsider the tax increase. This budget could be balanced without a tax increase," Doremus said to fellow supervisors Billy Hurst and Bill Jacobs.

            "I'm fine with the tax increase," Hurst responded. "I think it's needed to keep things going the way we're going. If we don't do it this year we'd have to do it next year."

            Jacobs, said, "We went through so many years where we spent more than we were taking in and it just caught up with us, and it should have been taken care of a little bit at a time years ago."

            To view the budget summary visit

            In other news, the township was notified that its grant application to replace the Reihman Road bridge was approved for the full requested amount of $4,228,000. The township will be reimbursed for up to 80 percent of the cost and will have to front the money. Planning can now begin.

            On the other hand, the grant money for the Finland Road barn restoration came in less than hoped for. The township applied for a grant of approximately $140,000 to replace/repair siding and windows but received around $77,000 and plans will have to be adjusted.

            The supervisors agreed they would like to keep the grant money but must downscale the project.

            By a 2-1 vote, with Doremus opposing, the supervisors approved a four-year contract with their police department.

            "The negotiating officers, Sgt. (Ted) Baird and Officer (Andrew) Curtis were satisfied with the outline in terms of the agreement," Hurst said.

            No details of the contract were discussed at the meeting.

            The police department's 11th annual Toy Drive is up and running. New, unwrapped toys and gift cards, for newborns to 18-year-olds, will be accepted until Dec. 20 at Marlborough PD, located at 6040 Upper Ridge Road; the Upper Perk Police Department, located at 76 W. 6th St. in Pennsburg; and East Greenville Borough Hall, located at 206 Main St.

            Gifts benefit the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and the Valley's Open Link. Gift cards are preferred for The Open Link.

            Because of the ongoing drought conditions, a complete burn ban in the township went into effect on Nov. 8 and will remain in place for at least 30 days.

            Montgomery County's Perkiomen Mapping and Flood Mitigation Study will hold its last public meeting at the Upper Perkiomen High School on Thursday, Nov. 21, from 6-9 p.m.

            The meeting seeks to educate residents about flood mitigation and to receive input from the public to enhance and guide future efforts. Access to a flyer about the meeting is available at

            Prior to last week's meeting an executive session was held to discuss personnel and legal issues.

            The next supervisors meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Dec. 11, 7 p.m., at the township building.






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