Thursday, February 06, 2025


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Before You Make Any Promises

          The election is over and the last of the votes will soon be counted, but the results are all but official as the numbers just won't add up for some candidates.

          While most candidates have conceded and passed on their good wishes to the victors, the people are having a hard time letting go.

          Those who are happy with the results need to show humility and avoid poking a stick at the lion in the cage because that cage door could open back up in two years for Congress or four years for the White House, and you may find yourself being poked.

          Those who are not happy with the results will keep looking for a reason for the downfall, keep pointing fingers, and forget that while they are pointing at you, three fingers are pointing back at them.

          You don't have to agree on everything but surely there must be something you can agree on.  Make an effort to find that something and use that as a starting point for the future.

          We can agree to disagree.  We can debate or argue an issue but we need to put hate in the rearview mirror and move forward. 

          Moving forward may have a different path for each of us as long as we are moving forward. 

          In the last week, families and friends who disagreed before the election now are in a state of disassociation from the stress of facing the election results.  Many friends and families can no longer talk with each other without the conversation turning into a heated argument.

          People have forgone their religious beliefs because of the outcome of the election.  Folks, maybe you never really harbored those beliefs to begin with.

          Thanks to the safeguards built into our government by the folks who started and built this great nation, democracy will not die in January or over the next four years.  Don't let doomsday predictors frighten you.  One side tried it four years ago and now it's the other side's turn to do so.   Keep in mind it's only ever a few, very loud alarmists, who predict the death of democracy; and usually they are just looking for attention.

          We are in the United States of America and we'll get to vote for president again in four years.

          Those who think they are worthy of our votes should get to work today to prove to us that they are worthy to hold that position by showing us what they stand for and what they can do today. 

          And, by the way, do that before you make any promises.






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