Milford Twp. Business Requests Plan Approval
At the September 3 meeting of the Milford Township Board of Supervisors, Stella Everheart, representing clients that own Trumbauer MotorSports, presented the board with a proposed land development plan.
The plan for the property, located at 2110 Milford Square Pike, included several requests for variances. The original plan was approved by the Bucks County Planning Commission in 2006 and a revised plan was approved this year.
Part of the waivers requested include moving buildings, realigning parking lots, buffering areas, and excluding the construction of sidewalks. The plan complies with all PennDOT, DEP and other regulating agencies of the Commonwealth.
Copies of the plan were emailed to each board member that Tuesday afternoon. However, the board did not feel that they had sufficient time to go over the material.
"I'm not comfortable with making a decision. I didn't receive the information until this afternoon … we are premature to do anything," said Chairman Charles Strunk.
Township Solicitor Kate Harper stated that she will draft a resolution of the plan for the board to review for the next supervisors meeting. The draft will include items from the most recent planning and zoning commissions. It will also include details of what can be stored, sold and overall conditional use of the property.
Bob Smith, of Hill Crest Road, addressed the board regarding roundabout landscaping at the intersection of Old Bethlehem Pike and Portzer Road.
There has been an ongoing issue with the landscaping and PennDOT. The township has been working to rectify the problem. Township Manager Jeff Vey has been in constant contact with PennDOT
Vey explained that the seeds and plants planted were intended to be native and low maintenance once established. However, the seedlings and planting were not properly cared for during the summer and many died. He also explained that some of the grass species need time to establish before mowing.
PennDOT is still under contract to maintain the landscaping at the roundabout. The township has participated in substantial maintenance up to this point, however, the township does not want to take over complete care of the landscaping until PennDOT remedies the landscaping issues and builds it to the specifications that were outlined in the original contract.
Vey stated that the township will continue to work on the situation with PennDOT. They are diligently working to get the project up to the standards outlined before the start of the project. Once corrected, the plantings will be low maintenance, aesthetically pleasing and environmentally conscious.