Saturday, February 15, 2025


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Washington Twp. Proposal to Destroy Meeting Recordings Causes Discord
Written by Mary Gibbs Kershner

            Last Thursday night at the Washington Township Board of Supervisors meeting, citizens vented about the township's proposal to destroy recordings of township meetings once the minutes are approved at the next township meeting.

            Enough of a disturbance was created that Township Chairman Thomas Powanda attempted to remove two citizens from the meeting.

            Several residents voiced their concern that if recordings made during a municipal meeting are destroyed, the only record, which is then considered official, are the approved minutes.  The approved minutes can contain mistakes or be redacted.  If litigation becomes necessary, the unedited recordings no longer exist unless a citizen files a Right to Know request shortly after a meeting.

            Dan Stauffer, a member of the township planning commission, took umbrage with Powanda's attempt to eject two citizens from the meeting.  Stauffer stood up and forcefully stated, "I refuse to allow my First Amendment right of free speech to be denied." 

            Stauffer contended the code of conduct that was presented at the last township meeting was not violated by the two persons whom Powanda told to "Get out of here."  Stauffer observed there was no cursing, personal insults, or threatening behavior by the citizens. 

            The citizens ignored Powanda's order to leave the meeting and remained seated.

            Vice Chairman Dave Moyer, who has long experience in public office and is well known for his courtesy to the public, suggested the recordings of township meetings be retained for at least one year.

            The board agreed to delay any decision on the destruction of the recordings until another township meeting. 

            A resident also questioned the amount of taxpayer money the township is spending on legal fees to create and defend its ordinances, such as the newly enacted commercial solar panel ordinance.  The township will face its first legal challenge to the commercial solar panel ordinance next month at a zoning board hearing on August 29th at 6 p.m.

            If the zoning board denies the applicant's request for relief from the ordinance, the applicant can then appeal the zoning hearing board's decision to the Berks County Court of Common Pleas. 

            When the commercial solar panel ordinance was enacted last month, the board was warned there would be a legal challenge to the ordinance.

            The board agreed to Camp Camino's request for preliminary plan approval.  Additionally, Camp Camino can begin its site work prior to final plan approval.

            Residents of Natalie Circle expressed concern about a lack of fire hydrants in the neighborhood in the aftermath of a recent fire that destroyed a nearby home within nine minutes. 

            It was explained that the homes along Natalie Circle have private wells.  However, the fire department can access water from a small stream that runs near the development. 

            It was noted that the Reserve at Bally Springs has low water pressure in the fire hydrants.  The water for the fire hydrants is provided by Valley Run Water Company, a private water carrier that serves part of the township. 

            Moyer noted, "There is no sense in having something if it does not work." 

            Moyer recommended residents of the development contact their water provider through their homeowner's association.  Additionally, he suggested residents of the development contact the Public Utility Commission (PUC) concerning the lack of water pressure in the fire hydrants. 

            The township intends to contact private water carriers, such as Aqua America and Valley Run, to request that testing information be forwarded to the township annually.

            The supervisors informed residents concerned about fireworks set off in developments in the township to call the Pennsylvania State Police.  State law does not permit fireworks to be set off within 150 feet of a building.

            Township Engineer John Weber, LTL Consultants, informed the supervisors that repair and repaving of Sugar Maple Road will commence on August 5th. 

            Several sports clubs pay a nominal fee for the use of township parks.  Next year, rental fees are expected to increase slightly.  The increased fees have not been presented to the clubs. 

            The Barto Park pavilion will get dusk to dawn LED lighting for $1,500. 

            The township Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC) requested and received permission for a third recycling container at the recycling center.  The cost is $500 which the township agreed to pay. 

           The EAC has an active group of volunteers who assist with recycling.  Only residents of the township are permitted to use the recycling center. 

            The next board of supervisors workshop meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 8th at 7 p.m.  The next regular board of supervisors meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 22nd at 7 p.m.






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