Over the past few decades many folks have become immune to the chants of "Death to Israel" and "Death to America" coming from the Middle East. Many even tolerated, though not approving, the burning of the flag of the United States by protesters here as a freedom of expression guaranteed in the First Amendment of our Constitution.
Now, those chants of "Death to America" are becoming commonplace at anti-Israel protests in San Francisco, Chicago, New York, and other cities in the United States. In Chicago, one activist is even teaching folks how to say it in Persian (Farsi). And. it is spreading. The latest being "Iran you make us proud." Burning "Old Glory" is becoming commonplace at many of these events.
Our country is not perfect and we've had our bumps and bruises over the past 240+ years but I certainly don't wish death upon us and I am sad that so many people in America now freely chant their wish for our demise.
I have four words for them; not going to happen.
Unlike many countries in the world, we have the right to change our course every two, four, or six years via elections. Too many people have died to give that right to us and too many people have died to preserve it. I am sure that many would fight and die to keep that in place.
Perhaps those chanting for our death would prefer a ghost government directed by a dictator or religious fanatic. Our system of government and election process are not perfect but it sure beats that alternative.
We the people are in charge of our destiny with the most powerful weapon in the world – free elections. If we make a mistake and elect the wrong leaders, shame on us. But, we get another crack at it when the next election rolls around. Yes, plenty of harm can be done between elections but imagine the harm that could be done if our nation's founders didn't build in three governing branches.
The United States has a history. Some good and some bad. We praise and preserve the good and we should wear the bad like a chip on our shoulder to remind us to remember, change where necessary, and do a better job of being a person worthy of building a better nation. Not destroying, but improving.
Next Tuesday is Primary Election Day in Pennsylvania. Remember to vote. While the actual contests in this year's Primary are few, they will lead to many contests in November. So, with a Primary without a large number of strong competitive contests, know that there are a few. A large number of voters in a Primary Election without large voter appeal will send the message that we care, we're involved, and we vote.