Two brothers face first-degree attempted murder charges after an alleged shooting in a Douglass Township neighborhood. Davin Thivarath, who turned 18 on New Year's Day, of Arrow Lane, and Kevin Thivarath, 26, from Souderton, are accused of shooting at a man from the driveway of Davin Thivarath's residence the night before Thanksgiving.
Both defendants face similar felony counts of aggravated assault, attempting to cause bodily injury with a deadly weapon and related conspiracy charges, as well as illegal possession of a firearm and nine related misdemeanors from the Nov. 22, 2023 incident, according to information posted on a state judicial website.
At 8:24 p.m. on Nov. 22, township police responded to a call for shots fired in front of the residence on Arrow Drive near the intersection of Bow Lane. Montgomery County Radio received multiple reports of gunshots being fired towards a black pick-up truck by the occupants of a sedan as they traveled on Arrow Drive towards Bow Lane, according to multiple criminal complaints filed Jan. 3 in the Douglass Township court of District Judge Maurice Saylor.
A victim claimed he was fired upon at least twice from the driveway of the residence. He told police a shooter then entered a vehicle that was parked in a driveway. The vehicle drove onto Arrow Drive, pulled next to his black Ford F-150, and someone fired additional shots towards him and into the vehicle.
The victim then drove the truck into the shooter's vehicle, identified as a gray Audi, as it fled the scene. Police claim to have discovered circular holes consistent with gunfire in the driver-side rear door, rear truck bed, and a flat rear tire on his vehicle, according to both affidavits of probable cause.
Using video surveillance from neighbors, authorities determined that a dark-colored sedan drove past the same residence and then later backed into the driveway. It also shows the interaction between the victim's truck and the suspect's Audi.
The truck was observed traveling south on Arrow Drive and stopping at the residence driveway. Next, three gunshots are heard, one of which strikes a tree branch at a residence across Arrow Drive.
After being impacted by the truck, the sedan fled the scene traveling south on Arrow Drive towards Bow Lane, the legal document states.
On Nov. 25, two Douglass Township detectives interviewed Davin Thivarath and a younger brother. They both denied any involvement or knowledge of the shooting incident but claimed they were both home at the residence and did not go outside. Two days later, the victim identified Davin Thivarath as one of the shooters.
Four days later, local authorities claim to have located the involved vehicle at the Coccia Collision Center, located in Sellersville. A 2018 gray Audi A4, registered to Kevin Thivarath's girlfriend, had been dropped off for reported damage from a motor vehicle accident. The car had significant damage to the passenger side, black paint transfer, and tire impressions on the door, according to court records.
Kevin Thivarath, currently on state parole for a prior arrest, claimed to have no involvement or knowledge of the shooting incident in front of his brother's residence. However, a search of the vehicle identified his Bluetooth device as connected to the vehicle's infotainment system. Authorities also claim to have connected his device to a cell site at 8:26 p.m. on Nov. 22 in the direct vicinity of where the shooting occurred, according to court papers.
Both defendants were arraigned on Jan. 4 by Limerick District Judge Richard H. Welsh. Both were remanded to Montgomery County jail after Welsh set bail in the cases against Kevin Thivarath at $99,077 monetary and Davin Thivarath at $99,000 monetary. A preliminary hearing for both defendants, before Saylor, has been scheduled for 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 16.