Saturday, February 15, 2025


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Constance (“Connie”) Joan Trumbauer
Written by 12/12/2023

            Constance ("Connie") Joan Trumbauer, 91, passed away on Wednesday,

November 29, 2023, at Arbor Trail Rehab and Skilled Nursing Care, Inverness, FL after a long illness. She was the widow of Richard J Trumbauer.

            Born in Finland, PA, she was the daughter of the late Emma (Conrad) Pfrommer and Henry Luther ("Luke") Pfrommer.

            Formerly of Red Hill, PA, Bushnell, FL, and Brooksville, FL, she was a lifelong member of St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Sumneytown, PA, as well as a member of Bushnell Presbyterian Church while a Florida resident in her retirement years. She was well known for sharing her lovely soprano voice in the choirs of both churches.

            Connie was raised in Green Lane, PA but lived most of her life in Red Hill, PA. She held various Secretarial Management positions throughout and beyond the Upper Perkiomen Valley of Pennsylvania. She retired after 28 years of service with Merck, Sharp, and Dohm Pharmaceutical Research Laboratories in West Point, PA in 1994. She also served four years on the Red Hill Borough Council, and was a lifelong member of the American Legion Ladies Auxiliary, Post 184 in East Greenville, PA.

            Surviving is her daughter, Denise (Trumbauer) Graves, wife of Dr. Jeffrey Graves, of Richmond, VA, six adult grandchildren: Erin, Lauren, Brad, Eric, Patrick, and Elizabeth, and eight great-grandchildren, James, Emma, Luke, Anna, Conner, Colin, Savannah, and Lila. Additionally surviving is her lifelong "daughter-of-affection", Sandra (Trumbauer) Vance, Cashmere, WA.

            Funeral arrangements were performed by Hodges Family Funeral Home, Dade City, FL with internment in the Florida National Cemetery, Bushnell, FL alongside her beloved, Richard, husband of 56 years before his passing.

            Memorial contributions may be made to St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, PO Box 255, Sumneytown, PA 18084, and/or Bushnell Presbyterian Church, 315 N. Broad Street, Bushnell, FL 33513.






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