Saturday, February 15, 2025


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Don’t Let That Happen Here

            Saving the soul of American need not be a difficult task for our elected officials.  They seem to blame everybody else for lost souls and neglect to acknowledge the first step towards reaching their goal of saving them.

             Tell the truth.  Don't sugarcoat your message to appeal to a certain voter base.  Most people are not as gullible as you think they are.  Some, yes, but most are not.

            Stop calling an apple an orange when it's really a lemon.

            Both sides of the political spectrum are guilty.  If you agree with someone who you know is not telling the truth, then you're guilty as well.

            To question a position, right or left, seems to be the death knell for one's character. Seeking the truth should not be a call to hatred and rage from others.

            Inflation is hurting people.  Telling us who is to blame isn't doing anything to stop it.  People dislike the officials who are doing nothing about it as much as those who are to blame.

            Crime is out of control in many of our cities.  All is not okay; there are thousands of victims who will attest to that.

            There is a problem with our southern border that can't be fixed by saying there is no problem.  More resources need to be dispatched to help those immigrants who want to enter our country and to help the border towns dealing with the massive influx.  To do nothing should not be an option.  You can't have one set of rules for folks entering the country legally and another for those choosing to enter illegally.

            Are you a semi-fascist because you want to take care of America first so that we are able to take care of those who need our consideration, help, care, resources, and understanding?

            If we don't take care of ourselves, how can we take care of others? 

            There is a war going on in Ukraine.  Are we doing enough to help?  Not just in supplying aid but in encouraging our allies to step up as well. 

            Most people are wary of taking moral advice from a politician.  The divisiveness that has grown among Americans has reached a point where many politicians feel the need to continue to feed it rather than unite the people.  Why?

            Voters are not obligated to one party on Election Day or any day.  It's their vote; their choice.

            All Republicans are not racist, fascist, deplorable, domestic terrorists, capitalists, or an enemy of the state.  Why do high-level elected officials feel that it's okay to paint them all as such?

            All Democrats are not socialists, communists, oblivious to the problems in our country, or want to deprogram and reeducate Republicans. Why do high-level elected officials feel that it's okay to paint them all as such?

            Political opponents are not automatically an enemy of the state.

`           Be cautious of people who wave the flag of unity while feeding the flames of division.   

            Elena Gorokhova, a Russian who immigrated to the United States in 1980, wrote about the Soviet Union of the 1960s: "The rules are simple: They lie to us, we know they're lying, they know we know they're lying, but they keep lying to us, and we keep pretending to believe them." 

            Don't let that happen here.






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