Saturday, February 15, 2025


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  • Local Bowling League Results
  • Bixler Overcomes Knee Pain to Spark Panthers
  • Schmittinger, Godshall, Saeger Go 3-0 at Panther Duals
  • Dunn to Compete in NBA All-Star Weekend
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Your Conclusion – Not Theirs

            We need to do a better job at seeking facts and making our decisions based on those facts. 

            The fact that an elected official expressed an opinion at a public meeting is, you got it, a fact.  Not the opinion, but the fact that it was expressed publically and what the message was.

            People on the far left and far right of the "Cancel Culture" want you to abide by their facts.  Heaven forbid that you decide to do some research and decision-making on your own.  That doesn't seem to be the accepted norm anymore.  Too many feel that in today's society they must do as the cancel culture disciples say or, well, be cancelled.

            Even worse, they demand that your only source of information be social media or a news sources of their approval.  Facts be damned.

            Is Covid real?  Of course.

            Was the Nation's Capital stormed on January 6, 2021?  Of course.

            Could our national, state, county, and local officials be doing a better job?  Of course.  There are always mistakes made and always room for improvement.  But, be careful who you say that to.

            If you're not blue enough or red enough to them, you have no standing.  If you're not "woke" then you're opinion means nothing other than a reason to hate you.

            The righteous woke believe that secrecy is king and hiding truthful information must be done to protect their side of the left-right scale.  That is wrong.

            When the President of the United States expresses an opinion during a press meeting, it is not censored and it is not buried in the back of the broadcast.  So should it be for elected officials at local, public meetings.  How will you know what was said; whether you agree or disagree; or how that will affect your decision at the next election?

            Express your satisfaction or dissatisfaction as you will but don't try to keep others from learning.  Your priorities are not always the same as others.  The desire to learn can be a desire to improve.  Don't try to intimidate or inhibit others from that goal.

            And, stop trying to divide the people.

            Opinion letters in the newspaper are screened only for adherence to the rules published below.  We don't pick and choose letters.  You write it and abide by the rules, and you will not be censored (or cancelled).  It will be published.  Depending on the numbers, it may have to wait a week or two.

            We may agree or disagree with submitters but we will not infringe on their right to have an opinion and express it.  Don't let bullies, who feel their opinion comes from a higher place, try to cancel you.

            We should all prefer to listen and learn from reliable and certifiable sources.  Don't be afraid to discuss and even intellectually argue disagreements. 

            Then you can feel comfortable with your own conclusions.






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