Saturday, February 15, 2025


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for these stories:

  • Local Bowling League Results
  • Bixler Overcomes Knee Pain to Spark Panthers
  • Schmittinger, Godshall, Saeger Go 3-0 at Panther Duals
  • Dunn to Compete in NBA All-Star Weekend
  • and much, much, more!







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General Election

Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2021


            The importance of all elections cannot be overemphasized.  If you want your vote to count, you need to vote.  It is that simple.

            Local elections, judicial elections, mid-term elections, and presidential elections; they all impact our lives.  Voters are seeing the importance of "off-election" years and how they can mean just as much, and sometimes even more to their day-to-day lives, than mid-tem and presidential races.

            After the confusion and last minute election changes caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic last year made many voters wary of ballot integrity, a clean 2021 process was needed

            It didn't help that ballots sent out a few weeks ago in Montgomery and Berks Counties were flawed.  You would think that after 2020, extra, extra caution followed by improved checks and balances would have been the order of the day before the ballots were dropped in the mail.

            When you have tens of thousands of people auditing your work, it is a wise thing to do.  If you trust the company, who was awarded the contract because they had the lowest bid, to produce the work without building in your own controls for checks and balances, then you earned and deserve the criticism along with them.

            If you as a government official fail to build in the proper controls and audits before your work is distributed to the public, well, shame on you.

            But, know that the people know.

            The General Election is next Tuesday.  Get out and vote. 

            Too many people died to give you that right, and too many people died to preserve that right for you.






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