Saturday, January 18, 2025


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            The guilty verdict in the case of former police officer Derek Chauvin should not have been a surprise to anyone who watched the video and heard the eyewitnesses.  He will now spend up to the next 40 years of his life in prison for murdering George Floyd.

            But, the lunacy of many elected officials continues.  Yes, using the cover of racism to hide your incompetence in working to solve a host of other problems in American and all over the world is a sheer veil that we can see right through.

            It is sad to see high-level members of the United States government doing everything they can to add fuel to the fire and promote claims of racism instead of working to erase the stench of it.

            If it exists, stamp it out.  Don't continue to do nothing except use it to promote your personal, political agenda and keep voters from focusing on other issues that show your governance is failing miserably.  We're tired of the fake agony and anger you only put on display in front of TV cameras.

            Attention Honorable so-and-so.  Racism exists - now what are you going to do about it.  Stand on another stage and beat your chest while you condemn and do nothing?  Your hypocrisy is sickening and voters are watching and waiting for that next election.

            Your actions are being watched as are those of your appointees.  Democrat, Republican, or other, it doesn't matter – you all have representatives in the Hypocrisy Haven.

            Without citing examples, UN Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield told the United Nations Human Rights Council that "the original sin of slavery weaved white supremacy into our founding documents" while she was lobbying for a United States seat on the human rights body.

            By the way, the folks on the current human rights group that she was addressing includes China, Cuba, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia and North Korea.  She told them that the United States needed to "engage trailblazing groups like yours" in order to "improve.


            Meanwhile, California Rep. Maxine Waters joined protestors in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota on Sunday, before the Chauvin verdict.  Among her words were "We're looking for a guilty verdict …And if we don't, we cannot go away," she added. "We've got to get more confrontational." 

            Was that a threat?  To do what Representative?  Burn, loot, harm – explain yourself.  This is not the first time she has incited people to be "confrontational" with others. 

            These are just two of the latest examples but there are so many more.  And, all we hear is talk from people like them and excuses for their choice of words from their backers.  You know, the "splainers" who tell us that's not what she meant, and you misunderstood.

            But that's what she said!

            If you can't say what you mean and mean what you say, you shouldn't be representing the people.  Maybe that's the problem at the United Nations and in Washington, D.C.

            Enough – address the issue and mean it.       






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