Saturday, February 15, 2025


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            The back-and-forth between the Democrats $1.9 trillion proposed spending on new COVID relief funds verses the $618 billion Republicans are proposing shouldn't be as complicated as politicians make it.

            The $1.9 trillion push includes $350 billion to bail out some states, $130 billion to schools, even if they remain closed, $35 billion to public and historically black colleges, $190 billion in funds for minority-owned small businesses, $15-an-hour minimum wage, and paid parental leave.

             All are good projects in need of funding, but should they tie up making a decision on COVID-19 relief for the people and in need?

            They all should be solid arguments for another day, another package.  Not this one.  It is another example of trying to push things that some feel may not carry its weight on its own, so let's push it through with something else that people need.

            Do couples who make over $150,000 with no children need the extra money more than a couple making $75,000 with two children?  Should that latter couple be getting a little more and the first a little less?  There are many other examples of large property and business owners reaping COVID relief funds while operating their businesses normally.  How about the money collected by the person who has more income generating properties than I have paperclips, just because his or her earnings are filtered through shelter companies.

            There are too many loopholes to take advantage of for those in the know and not enough money to take care of those truly in need. 

            Sadly, that's the way government works and it shouldn't be that way.  It's not one side or the other; they all do it at some time or another.  It makes for good election-time material:  so-and-so didn't vote for the relief package to put money in your pocket and help you out but I did.  But, they don't tell you that the reason the opponents voted against it was because it was putting too much money into pockets who didn't need it, or projects that weren't related to the one at hand.

            Elected officials always remember that in politics there are no permanent victories.  Their term only lasts so long and the need to work on upcoming campaign issues is ongoing.  Voters need to remember that.

            Monday, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projected a robust 4.6 percent growth for this year, with the nation hitting its pre-pandemic economic level by summer - without any new spending.  Is that coming up in the Congressional discussions?  Maybe just in the backroom "how do we bury or discredit that news" discussions.

            Regarding the $1.9 trillion package, Senator Chuck Schumer on Tuesday said "we are not going to dilute, dither or delay because the needs of the American people are just too great."  But, now we know most of the items in the proposal are not related to COVID relief.    

            So, get the items not related to COVID relief out of the request and vote on it already.

            Then address everything else.  Each is worthy of its own stage.

            Stay on the subject.






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