Back in the late 1960's Graham Nash penned a song titled "Teach Your Children." It was recorded in 1970 by the group Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young.
He was inspired to write the song after seeing a photograph of a young boy holding a toy hand grenade in his right hand while curling his left hand. He appeared to have an angry expression on his face when the photo was taken.
Nash said he wrote the song as a reflection on the societal implications of messages given to children about war and other issues.
Other issues. Today, bullying can be counted among them. It can be found in just about every aspect of our daily lives. It shouldn't be that way and many of us can remember a time when it wasn't as widespread as it is today.
A textbook for "How to be a Bully" or "Bullying for Dummies" is not to be found. Neither is any credited course offered at any college or any other school that I could find.
Where do you learn how to be a bully? Somebody had to start it; somewhere; sometime.
More important, how can we stop it.
Have you ever bullied anybody? Ever explode with expletives in the privacy of your car when that other vehicle pulled out in front of you? Did you ever get into a heated argument while trying to impress your opinion on someone else? How about sharing the story of how you one-upped somebody in a spite-filled controversy. Did you ever shout at the television when your least favorite politician came on? Did you ever let the refs "have it" from the safety of your bleacher seat? Did you rip into a store employee because you were not satisfied with the establishments' hours of operation?
Remember that photo you plastered on social media trying to shame your neighbor for something that was really quite insignificant? Did you post secrets you once shared with somebody you cared for on social media? How about blasting your ex in person or on social media? Did you ever call somebody "stupid" or worse on social media because they don't agree with you? You know that same social media that most youngsters follow.
Did anybody, especially a child, see and hear your behavior to any of the above? If they did, were you quick enough to tell them it was wrong?
Bully or bullied? In Teach Your Children, Nash's lyrics tell us "Don't you ever ask them why, if they told you, you will cry. So just look at them and sigh. And know they love you."
It was started by somebody, somewhere, sometime.
It must end with us.
When bullying stops there will be no bullied.
Teach your children well – and while you're at it, teach yourself.