Thursday, February 06, 2025


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  • Local Bowling League Results
  • Tribe Girls Split Two Matches
  • Indians End Season with Loss
  • Tribe Swimmers Swept by Phoenixville
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An Asset to the People

            The death of a young person is always tragic.

            The uncertainty and questions surrounding a missing child brought out levels of concern throughout the community last week.

            Good intentions abounded when police posted that they were "asking for the public's help in finding" the missing teen.

            Social media burst forth with scores of messages.  Among the many messages, posters asked "how can I help, should we organize a search, is there a danger to the public or other children?" 

            There was concern as helicopters circled the area, perhaps with heat-seeking devices, throughout last Wednesday. 

            By mid-afternoon, volunteers from the Pennsburg Fire Company were called out to help.  In addition to police, emergency medical personnel were on the scene as well.

            The area of Macoby Creek Park in Upper Hanover Township would soon fill up with trained personnel, emergency equipment, and a public looking to help.

            Within 30 minutes the search was over.  At that time, it was important to let the public know that there was no longer any need for more people to come to the park.  Further disturbing the area would only be a hindrance to other police work that may be needed.

            The Town and Country entered a post on social media to advise those concerned that the "Search is finished."  We were taken to task because, at the time, we refused to post additional information.  Our goal was to let people know that there was no longer a need to go to the area.  Emergency responders already had their hands full.

            We posted that we had a reporter at the scene and would report further information when it was available.  That would give time for officials to make proper notifications.  We also posted that "we'd rather get it right than get it fast."

            Again, we were taken to task for withholding information in order to sell newspapers.  The story was posted, at the proper time, on our free website.  Information wasn't withheld to sell newspapers.

            When the story posted about an hour later, we reported that police said the incident was "not suspicious."  We did that to try to allay the fears of others.

            We are part of the community and our actions in these types of incidents are carefully taken to balance the need to protect and inform the public – and to respect others.

            Part of our Mission Statement reads "We will strive to know what to print, and what should be left for the tongues of the gossips." 

            We are not ashamed when people ask our reasons for our actions.  We would be ashamed if we couldn't give you an answer. 

            The desire by the public to help in a community's time of need is admirable.  And, now would be a good time to reflect on those desires.

            Volunteer fire companies are always looking for help.  You can join and train to be a firefighter or fire police officer, or you can join up to help in the business or fundraising aspects of the organization.

            You don't have to be ashamed – these are fine groups who are an asset to all of the people.






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