September 12, 2001 – eighteen years ago and one day after the attacks on the United States. On that day we got a better look at the devastation and horror those attacks left in their wake.
In the days following, we puffed out our chests and raised our United States flags in our front yards, on our porches, and anywhere else we could display "Old Glory."
We came together as a nation and looked to our leaders for guidance. Nearly 3,000 people died that day, and hundreds more have died since due to illness related to the attacks.
There were no Democrats, Republicans, or Independents – we were one. Our emotions ran deep. Among our feelings were disbelief, shock, anger, confusion and even dread. But we were united.
Days turned to weeks, then months. All of the emotions brought the people together and it continued. Everyone was focused on the events of September 11, 2001.
History tells us of similar occurrences of nationalism during World War I and World War II. It's sad that it takes a tragedy for people to remember who and what they are.
Yes, there were "Truthers" and detractors who tried to minimize and mock the 9-11 events, and the United States as a nation. They were a small minority who hardly made a dent in the spirit of the people at the time.
Shanksville, PA, Washington, D.C., and Manhattan, NY were full of those who promised to "never to forget: yesterday." Millions more across the country paused to remember September 11, 2001 and honor those who died that day and those who died because of that day.
Remember how proud you were to be an American and show your support, and yes defiance, to the horrors that occurred on September 11, 2001?
No matter what our differences are today, we are still Americans and showing our support for our Country, with all the good and all its flaws, is something we should never be ashamed of.
Live the good and fix the flaws. Take your hate and transform it into doing what you feel will make the United States even better. Whether that be at the ballot box, lobbying to your elected officials, giving your time and efforts to the less fortunate, participating in a peaceful protest or just being civil to others.
The words from the song "God Bless America" should be a roadmap; "Stand beside her, and guide her." We can agree to disagree without introducing hate into our actions and work together to provide that guidance – to ourselves and others.
Maybe, one day, we can once again feel the pride and compassion we felt eighteen years ago – without having to go through another war or tragedy to get there.