The age of entitlement is upon us and people are calling you out for it.
I am convinced there isn't any small, local business that's in business to go out of business.
Yet, the social media warriors have no trouble doing their best to chase them away.
This may sound simple, but you should never have multiple complaints about a place of business. If the products are not to your liking, the hours aren't convenient to you, you don't care for the staff, or you are not satisfied with the service – don't go back and you'll never have another problem with them.
Why in the world would you continue to go back and make yourself miserable? Perhaps, you just needed to be able to post something and you had nothing else relevant to say or contribute.
Sometimes small business owners are forced to do what they can – not what they want. Give them the benefit of the doubt and work with them and not make their situation harder than what it is. Or, just don't do business with them. Hating them on social media shouldn't be an option because you made the same mistake over and over again.
If we want to support them and our community at the same time, we need to check our entitlement at the door and either do business with them or go somewhere else. Blasting local businesses on social media because you feel that you're entitled to do business with them on your terms only isn't fair to that business and is, quite frankly, an embarrassment to you.
Don't like their hours of business – go somewhere else. You may not be satisfied but thousands of other people are fine with it. Don't ruin it for others by doing your best to shut them down.
It is especially disheartening when municipal officials are the ones who felt their entitlement was infringed upon and take to social media to show their indignity.
These businesses are the ones who support a variety of local youth, church, and other charitable organizations. Don't believe me – next time you get off your keyboard and attend a local event, see where the donations came from. These local business are proudly first on the mailing list of most local groups and they often answer the call to help – do you?
Nobody is forcing you to do business with anybody, go somewhere else – that is your right and your decision. Trying to run a local business out of business is your decision.
Believing that you are entitled to privileges or special treatment, especially if you are a municipal official, is just wrong and could end up hurting the community you're supposed to represent.