Saturday, February 15, 2025


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for these stories:

  • Local Bowling League Results
  • Bixler Overcomes Knee Pain to Spark Panthers
  • Schmittinger, Godshall, Saeger Go 3-0 at Panther Duals
  • Dunn to Compete in NBA All-Star Weekend
  • and much, much, more!







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A Reminder

School will be open soon and we offer this reminder from the

Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.


Pennsylvania's School Bus Stopping Law


            School bus safety is a high priority in Pennsylvania. Students, parents, teachers, administrators, transportation providers and the motoring public all play important roles in keeping our children safe while on or around the school bus.

            When you meet a stopped school bus with red signal lights flashing and stop arm extended, you MUST STOP.

            When you approach an intersection where a school bus is stopped with red signal lights flashing and stop arm extended, you MUST STOP, whether you are on the same street or the cross street.

            You MUST STOP at least 10 feet away from the school bus.

            Drivers do not have to stop on a highway with clearly defined dividing sections or physical barriers providing separate roadways. This only applies when the school bus is on the opposite side of the road.

            You MUST WAIT until the red lights have stopped flashing and the stop arm has been withdrawn before moving.

            DO NOT MOVE until all the children have reached a place of safety.

            PENALTIES – If you are convicted of violating Pennsylvania's School Bus Stopping Law, you will receive all of the following penalties: 60-Day Driver's License Suspension, Five points on your driving record and a $250 fine.

            For more information about the school bus stopping law and to see photo examples, visit


School Bus Safety Tips


               Caregivers should take an active role in promoting school bus safety with children.

            Children should always be walked to and from the bus stop.

            Get to the school bus stop 5 minutes early so students don't have to run across the road to catch the bus.

            Children should be supervised at the bus stop.

            When waiting for the bus, stay away from traffic. Line up at least five giant steps away from the curb or the roadway to wait for the bus.

            Students should walk at least 10 feet in front of the bus when crossing so the school bus driver can see them.

            Never cross the street behind the school bus.

            Students should wait until the school bus has stopped all traffic before stepping out into the road.

            When the school bus is moving, students should always remain in their seats. They should never put their head, arms or hands out of the window.

            Amber lights flashing on a school bus mean "caution."  When driving, watch for children on both sides of the road. Slow down and be prepared to stop.

            Remember, drive safe, stay alert and obey the laws.







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