More carnage in America. Two mass shooting over the past week and two potential ones averted.
The hate and disrespect from the halls of all levels of our government just seems to keep permeating from sea to shining sea. The haters, feeders, baiters, and opportunists nurture a level of discontent and mistrust among the people that pits neighbor against neighbor, friend against friend, and family against family.
Illegal immigration, gun control, video games, mental illness, racism, anti-Semitism, social media, drugs, sanctuary cities, anti-capitalism, anti-socialism, elected officials disregarding laws, extremist groups, radical education policies, political correctness run amok, frustration over lack of care and concern for veterans and senior citizens - the list of possible causes of violence goes on and on in the minds of many yet they focus on one. Who's telling the truth and who isn't?
There isn't one cause – there isn't one solution. One size rarely fits all.
It doesn't matter who's right – its' what's right that matters.
Everybody calls for action; left, right, Democrat, Republican, and all others. But, down in Washington, D.C. it seems that it's all talk. Those with the loudest mouths spewing the most hate and feeding the flames of inaction are usually in politics for status – to be something, not to do something.
Enough is enough. To the members of Congress – what is the plan? To the members of our State Legislature – what is the plan? To our leaders – what is the plan?
By the way, before our elected officials can come up with a plan, they need to be talking to each other – not at each other. Put your twitter fingers away and stick your hand out and shake that of those who share your responsibilities to the people. Then work together to get the job done.
You're not going to agree on everything, so agree to enable the issues you agree on now; not later when an opportunity for bargaining on another issue may come up. Make a plan and take action now. The people deserve nothing less. And, don't forget to follow-up later.
Demanding ideological purity doesn't work.
Former New York Mayor Ed Koch, a Democrat, knew how to work with Republicans. Koch used to say that if you agree with me on seven out of 10 issues, you should vote for me. If you agree with me on ten out of ten issues, you should have your head examined.
A disagreement now and then is normal – hate is not.
Take action on things you agree on now – then work on the issues you don't agree on.
But if you're an elected official and an enabler of hate and disrespect, you won't get anything done – again.
Check your egos at the door and do your job.
Serve the people – not yourselves.