Years ago, in our communities, leaving your porch light on at night delivered a message that visitors were welcome and safe at your home. Over the years, the meaning grew.
It began with a campaign to encourage people to turn on their porch lights one day a year to strengthen neighborhood spirit and show support for police. It included sitting in front of your home to greet neighbors and get to know them a little better. It was a message to near-do-wells, letting them know that the neighborhood is organized and fighting back against crime.
Today, the first Tuesday in August is observed as "National Night Out" – an opportunity to focus on your community and promote police-community partnerships. It is also a great opportunity for everyone to join with their neighbors to make neighborhood safer.
This year, the Marlborough Township Police department and Green Lane Marlboro Lions Club, along with other community groups, have teamed up to make 2019 something special.
At 6 p.m. on Tuesday night, several area police departments, fire and emergency service groups will be on display in the parking lot of St. John's Lutheran Church in Sumneytown.
Along with representatives of other organizations, they will be on hand to perform demonstrations, provide entertainment, and shake a hand or two.
In a block-party atmosphere, it will be a great opportunity for the public to participate in this national event.
Come out and say hello to those who have promised to serve you. Just showing up will be a sign to them that you appreciate their service and support them.
Gather with your neighbors and friends – and friends you haven't met yet. It will be a great opportunity to learn about them and your community.
Time has passed and many things have changed. Here is an opportunity for you to catch up.
Oh yes, before you leave the house and head down to the event, turn on your porch light.