Originally scheduled as a "Candidates' Forum," Monday night's scheduled event has been adjusted to an informal "Meet the Candidates" night. It can be a great opportunity for the candidates vying for a seat on the Upper Perkiomen School Board to shake a hand and talk one-on-one with voters.
Nothing formal, just a good old-fashioned meet and greet.
It's a chance for all Upper Perkiomen School Board candidates in the May primary election, to hear the concerns of voters and to express their thoughts to them on a more personal level.
The event will be held on Monday night, April 29, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the PC Pub Event Room in the Pennsburg Square Shopping Center.
Speaking of voting, in case you haven't heard, we'll be casting our ballots on new voting machines this year. The Montgomery County Commissioners will be holding their "Conversations with the Commissioners" in the Multipurpose Room at Upper Perkiomen Education Center, 2229 East Buck Road, Pennsburg (Upper Hanover Township) on Wednesday May 1.
Part of that meeting will include demonstrations on the County's new Voter-Verified Paper Ballot System voting machines. This machines will be used for the first time for the May 21 Primary Election.
It's a chance for you to learn about the machines and how to use them. You can do your part to keep the voting lines down by taking this opportunity to learn about them before Election Day.
Also, this is another reminder about the upcoming Town and Country's Candidates Section. It is for all candidates running in the upcoming primary election, for any office in the Town and Country's readership area. In addition to a short biography that includes the candidate's name, party affiliation and position being sought, the candidate should list any prior government-related and elected positions held. A photo can be included.
There is no charge for this opportunity for candidates to share their message with the people.
We encourage candidates to include educational, business or other credentials and experiences that help to identify their qualifications for the position.
Most importantly, the candidate should include a brief statement outlining why he or she is seeking the position, and present a position statement on a timely subject that affects our state, county or community. Information submitted should be less than 300 words. Submissions greater than 300 words may be edited.
The Town and Country provides the Candidates Section as a service to voters and there is no cost for a candidate to publish information that adheres to the guidelines.
The deadline for receiving candidate information is noon on Friday, May 10.
Letters to the editor regarding the upcoming primary election will be accepted from non-candidates until noon on May 3 for publication in the May 9 edition.
Election-related Letters to the Editor from candidates will be accepted until noon on May 10 for publication in the May 16 edition.
Remember, letters should be 300 words or less and all other letters to the editor rules will apply.
The deadline for all paid election advertising is on Tuesday at noon, of any week, for publication in that Thursday's edition.
Election advertising can be run in any section of the newspaper. Paid advertisements can also be run in the special Candidates Section on May 16.
For more information or to submit an ad email TownAndCountry@UPVNews.com or call us at (215) 679-5060.