Thursday, February 06, 2025


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for these stories:

  • Local Bowling League Results
  • Tribe Girls Split Two Matches
  • Indians End Season with Loss
  • Tribe Swimmers Swept by Phoenixville
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The 2019 Primary Election

            The primary election is a little over a month away and once again the the Town and Country newspaper inviting candidates running in the primary election on Tuesday, May 21, to email, fax or mail their information for publication in our Candidates Section to be published on May 16, 2019.

            We have mentioned many times that the first responsibility of any candidate running for office is to know what their responsibilities are, if elected.  Knowing what your job will be and what is expected from you, and communicating your qualifications and standing on issues will help voters make their decisions.

            Candidates for the upcoming race for a seat on the Upper Perkiomen School Board are being invited to a candidate forum on April 29, 2019, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the PC Pub Event Room in the Pennsburg Square Shopping Center.

            It is hoped that all candidates will take advantage of the opportunity to present themselves to the voters in the public forum, and provide insight to their platform.

            More information will be coming in the very near future regarding the forum.

            The Town and Country's Candidates Section is for all candidates in the upcoming primary election.  In addition to a short biography that includes the candidate's name, party affiliation and position being sought, the candidate should list any prior government-related and elected positions held.

            We encourage candidates to include educational, business or other credentials and experiences that help to identify their qualifications for the position.

            Most importantly, the candidate should include a brief statement outlining why he or she is seeking the position, and present a position statement on a timely subject that affects our state, county or community.  Information submitted should be less than 300 words.  Submissions greater than 300 words may be edited.  A photo can also be included for publication.  The Town and Country provides the Candidates Section as a service to voters and there is no cost for a candidate to publish information that adheres to the guidelines.

            The deadline for receiving candidate information is noon on Friday, May 10.

            Letters to the editor regarding the upcoming primary election will be accepted from non-candidates until noon on May 3 for publication in the May 9 edition.

            Election-related Letters to the Editor from candidates will be accepted until noon on May 10 for publication in the May 16 edition.

            Remember, letters should be 300 words or less and all other letters to the editor rules will apply.

            The deadline for all paid election advertising is on Tuesday at noon, of any week, for publication in that Thursday's edition.  Advertisers can choose to run advertisements in any section of the newspaper.  Paid advertisements can also be run in the special Candidates Section on May 16.

            Information can be emailed to






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