Thursday, February 06, 2025


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Presidents Day or Not

            Many Americans will be honoring the legacy of our presidents Monday.  But, the holiday is not without its own questions and misconceptions.

            Back in 1968 when Congress passed the Monday Holidays Act, the official observance of Washington's Birthday, was changed from Feb. 22 to the third Monday in February some wanted the name of the holiday changed to Presidents Day in honor of both Lincoln and Washington.  It was rejected by Congress and the holiday remained officially Washington's Birthday.

            While the name change has never been authorized by Congress, it gained a strong hold on the public consciousness, and is generally used on calendars, in advertising, and even by many government agencies. There have been attempts to introduce legislation requiring federal agencies to call the day Washington's Birthday to no avail.. No matter what's in the law books, the popular usage is now well established.

            According to the federal government, the holiday observed on the third Monday in February is officially Washington's Birthday - period.  Many folks now call the holiday Presidents' Day to honor both Presidents Washington and Lincoln, whose birthdays are Feb. 22 and Feb. 12, respectively.

            The fact that the third Monday in February can only occur between Feb. 15 and Feb. 21 means that the holiday is always after Lincoln's birthday and before Washington's birthday and some of the states dropped the Lincoln observance after the federal Monday holiday reforms.

            Depending on where you live is probably who is honored because states are not obliged to adopt federal holidays, which only affect federal offices and agencies. Most states have adopted Washington's Birthday, some officially celebrate Presidents' Day. A number of the states that celebrate Washington's Birthday also recognize Lincoln's Birthday as a separate legal holiday.

            According to Geometrix, approximately 16 states celebrate Presidents Day, and another 15 states observe Washington's Birthday. Nine states don't observe a holiday on the third Monday in February. The others celebrate a holiday that includes the words President, Washington, Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, and American civil rights activist Daisy Gatson Bates, in some combination.

            To add more confusion to the day, 17 states acknowledge it as Presidents' Day (plural possessive), in five states it's Presidents Day (plural), and in four states it is President's Day (singular possessive).

            In Pennsylvania, Maryland, Vermont, Illinois, South Dakota, Colorado, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Hawaii, and Alaska Presidents' Day is observed.

            Virginia, Indiana, Georgia, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, New York, Massachusetts, and Connecticut like Washington's Birthday.

            Arizona observes it as Lincoln/Washington/President's Day.  Utah is happy with Washington and Lincoln Day.

            Maine and South Carolina prefer George Washington's Birthday/President's Day.  In Alabama it's George Washington/Thomas Jefferson Birthday.

            Arkansas celebrates George Washington and Daisy Gatson Bates Day.

            In Wisconsin, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, North Carolina, Florida, Illinois, Rhode Island, and Delaware the holiday isn't observed at all.

            All the rest, including Washington, D.C. like President's Day.

            But, rest assured that whatever you call it, retailers love it as the day to promote special sales.

            No matter what you call it.






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