Saturday, January 18, 2025


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Communication: Bad and Good
Written by Larry Roeder, Editor

                Never underestimate the value of communication.  Don't believe me?  Take a look at the stories in this week's edition.

                Much to the surprise of Douglass Township officials, the Henry Road Bridge was closed last month with nary a "by your leave" by PennDOT.  Imagine the surprise to residents when they tried to traverse the road and were left without a place to, well, traverse further than the bridge. 

                Imagine the shock to unsuspecting emergency responders when they first see the detour signs and wonder how far they can travel on Henry Road from the south before having to turn around.

                Quick action when a highway or bridge is determined to be a danger to the public is understandable and we thank PennDOT for the action.  However, communicating closures, especially those of the "long term" type, must be completed in an expeditious manner as well because failure to do so could become another danger to the public.

                In Milford Township a public meeting was held last month by representatives of the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission to present construction plans for widening the highway in the area north and south of the Quakertown interchange.

                The meeting presented information that drew concerns from some residents.  They are afraid that the turnpike widening could bring the highway much closer to their homes and encroach on protected open-space areas.

                Residents were able to absorb the information and attend the next meeting of the Milford Township Supervisors to share those concerns.  Now, Milford officials can approach Turnpike officials and, hopefully, together they can develop a solution to the residents' fear.

                Some local municipalities are now naming "Deputy Tax Collectors" to take over the duties of the elected Tax Collector in the event that person is unable to fulfill the duties of the office. 

                While some municipalities in the state were already appointing a deputy on a voluntary basis, legislation was introduced in 2014 to make the appointment mandatory.  The Deputy Tax Collector is an appointment, not an elected position.  According to state law, the current Tax Collector can name someone to the position but the governing body must approve.  It was done to add an important safeguard for tax-payers and to maintain continuity.

                Municipalities would be wise to communicate the duties, responsibilities and the stipend paid to their Deputy Tax Collectors, to the tax-payers.  In some cases, individuals are paid to help the elected Tax Collector while others are named strictly in a back-up role with no pay unless they assume the duties of the elected. 

                Savvy municipalities are naming their neighboring town's Tax Collector as their Deputy Tax Collector and vice-versa, which is not a bad idea.  You get the experience and familiarity of a neighboring official which should make for a nice transition if it's ever needed.

                Democracy runs best through open societies that share information.








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