Vote Nov. 5th
Next Tuesday’s general election is just six days before the day we honor those who preserved that right for us, our veterans. Want to thank a vet for their sacrifices? Here’s something you can do: Show up and vote!
When you enter the voting booth and close the curtain behind you, take a moment and say a prayer of thanks for those service men and women who served in harm’s way yesterday, and those who serve today so you could cast that vote.
There are those who can (and do) argue that the Constitution does not actually grant us the right to vote. While the hallowed document does not actually say we have “the right to vote” it does tell us that we cannot deny the right to vote on account of race or sex and we cannot prevent 18-year-olds from voting. In addition, the government cannot impose a poll tax. So, by telling us what we can or cannot do, the language certainly implies that the right to vote exists.
Take the 15th amendment for example. It reads: “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” How about the 19th amendment? It reads: “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.”
Some voters view casting their ballot as a right while others consider it a privilege. Sadly, too many people consider it a burden and become one of the more than 50 percent of registered voters who won’t bother to go to the polls on Tuesday.
According to Gov 360, a non-profit organization dedicated to reaching out directly to non-voters of all ages to promote active participation in government, the United States ranks last among industrialized nations in terms of participation by the people. Voter turnout in mid-term general elections averages less than 38 percent of the eligible citizens and turnout for presidential elections ranges between 50 percent and 60 percent.
Only the people can be responsible for fixing things in their own government. Refusing to get involved because you believe the system is rigged and broken only leads to further control by powerful limited interests.
Disgusted with your choices of candidates? Then show up at the polls and let your voice be heard by selecting the “I do not want to vote on any office, candidate, or issue” option that is afforded to all voters. Let party officials know that you’re not satisfied with the options they presented you by having your vote show up in the “Chose not to vote” category. Or simply vote for other offices and bypass those for which you are not satisfied with the candidates presented.
If you don’t bother to show up at the polls, your voice will not be heard. If you don’t vote, you are sending a message to elected officials that you don’t care what they do. That’s a dangerous thing to do.
If we don’t bother to vote, we disrespect those who preserved that right for us. Call it a right or call it a privilege; call it anything you want but make sure to vote on Nov. 5th. Many sacrificed so you could.