Notice is hereby given that the Upper Hanover Township Zoning Hearing Board has received an application for zoning relief from Bradley and Tamara Yoder ("Applicants") of 2110 Gene Road, East Greenville, PA 18041 in Upper Hanover Township, Tax Parcel Number 57-00-00790-052-1, Block 52, Unit 27 ("Property") located in the R-1 Agricultural Low-Density Residential District.
The Applicants propose to construct a 1,008 sf attached garage structure connected to the principal dwelling with a 10'x25' breezeway which garage will be located 33' from the side property line. The Applicants are requesting a dimensional variance from Section 500-1202.A.(2)(e) of the Upper Hanover Township Codified Code to permit the garage to be constructed 33' from the side property line which is a 7' encroachment into the required 40' side yard setback in the R-1 Agricultural Low-Density Residential District.
The Upper Hanover Township Zoning Hearing Board will convene at 6:30 PM at the Upper Hanover Township Building, 1704 Pillsbury Road, East Greenville, PA 18041 on Wednesday, December 18, 2024, to consider this application. The hearing is open to the public and the application is available at the Township Building for inspection during normal business hours. Questions can be directed to Anne W. Klepfer, Township Manager at