We will not publish Letters to The Editor that do not adhere to the rules below. Our mailbox was overflowing this week and we could not publish every letter that we received. Decisions are made and that's just the way it has to be.
Didn't even have the time to review them all.
Some were unsigned and some were two pages long, others just fell victim to the sheer volume
Every time I see a Letter to the Editor that is not signed or the author doesn't want their name published for reasons that include nothing more than perceived damage to their precious, and sometimes imagined, good reputation I think of the 56 signers of The Declaration of Independence.
They did so proudly and without hesitation knowing the penalty for their signatures could be death.
To those of you who are hesitant to stand up to the bullies of your community you can always choose to keep your words to yourself. That doesn't do much good for you but if it helps keep peace in the community, sometimes that is a better best option – it's your choice. But, if you feel the threat is serious, or you fear for the safety of you or your home call the police. They can help you more than an unsigned Letter to the Editor.
After all, you don't know if the threat is reading your letter or even knows it was directed at them.
Remember, the entire British Government and their army and navy didn't deter those 56 signers of the declaration from letting everybody know who they were and what they stood for.
We must be accountable for our actions and do our best to avoid causing instability, pain, or suffering to others – and, especially fueling more hate.
And, please stop stealing your neighbors election related signs (that is against the law). That's a "Biggy" among non-signers.
We must try to always keep the people and the community in mind and do what we can to keep already boiled over tensions and hate at a minimum.
Out world is on fire and our nation is on fire. Let's try and do our best to keep it from spreading within our community.