A cyberattack that disrupted the Upper Perkiomen School District during the previous school year exposed the personal information of residents and students. Administrators, who referred to the incident six months ago as a network outage, confirmed the result in letters sent late last month to impacted parents, students, graduates, and others.
Board President Melanie Cunningham said she was not sure what the total cost to the district would be. Reached Wednesday morning, Cunningham said the district acquired insurance to help cover some or all of the expenses. However, she could not provide the cost of the deductible.
Alexis Jenofsky, the district's director of communications, was unable to provide any details related to the financial cost to the district or the number of people impacted. In an email message received Wednesday morning, Jenofsky wrote that the district is notifying students whose education file information may have been impacted in accordance with federal regulations.
On Aug. 27, the district alerted parents of ...